Wall Ties
Bead and Mesh
Bed Joint Reinforcement
Starter Ties
Universal Stainless Steel Wall Starter System
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Drylining Beads
External Beads
Lathing Products
Plaster and Render Beads
PVC-u Beads
Security Laths
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3.0m x 13mm engaging (without flange)
Wall Ties
All Wall Ties
Bed Joint Reinforcement
V44 Coil Mesh
Starter Ties
V63 Universal Stainless Steel Wall Starter System
Universal Stainless Steel Wall Starter System
V63 Universal Stainless Steel Wall Starter System
Bead and Mesh
All Bead and Mesh
Drylining Beads
GPTCB Galvanised Perforated Thin Coat Bead (GPTC)
GMMB Galvanised Mini Mesh Bead (GMM)
GCJB30 Aluminium Control Joint Bead
GPPTCB Galvanised Premier Perforated Thin Coat Bead Wide Wing (GPTCLW)
GEB Galvanised Plasterboard Edge Bead
G3ARSB Galvanised Dry Wall Stop Bead (GPS)
GTCB135 Galvanised Thin Coat Angle Bead 135º
External Beads
SSAB Stainless Steel Angle Bead (SAB)
SSPSB Stainless Steel Plaster Stop (SPS)
SSERSB Stainless Steel External Render (Bell) Bead (SERS)
SSMB Stainless Steel Movement Bead (SMB)
Lathing Products
GEML Galvanised Expanded Metal Lath
SSEML Stainless Steel Expanded Metal Lath (SEML)
GRL Galvanised Rib-Lath
SSRL Stainless Steel Rib-Lath (SRL)
SCA Semi Circular Arch Former
Plaster and Render Beads
GAB Standard Galvanised Angle Bead, Mesh Wing
GJAB Galvanised Wide Angle Bead 63mm Wing (GWAB)
GERSB Galvanised External Render Stop (Bell) Bead (GERS)
GMB Galvanised Movement Bead
GARB Galvanised Architrave Bead
PVC-u Beads
TLPAB 23 PVC-u Angle Bead Thincoat (PAB 23)
TLPAB PVC-u Angle Bead (PAB)
TLPARB PCV-u Arch Bead (PPS3)
TLPSB PVC-u Plaster Stop Bead (PPS)
TLPERS External Render Stop (Bell) Bead (PERS)
TLPMB PVC-u Movement Bead (PMB)
Security Laths
SLLD Security Lath Light Duty
SLHDR Security Lath Heavy Duty Raised
SLHD Security Lath Heavy Duty
3.0m x 13mm engaging (without flange)
Explore our range of 3.0m x 13mm engaging (without flange)
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